8mm-54mm General High Duty Straight Male Union Connectors

8mm-54mm General High Duty Straight Male Union Connectors

DescriptionProduct Code 
8mm x ¼ inch General High Duty Straight Male Union Connector69GHD-8x¼
12mm x ⅜ inch General High Duty Straight Male Union Connector69GHD-12x⅜
15mm x ½ inch General High Duty Straight Male Union Connector69GHD-15x½
22mm x ¾ inch General High Duty Straight Male Union Connector69GHD-22x¾
28mm x 1 inch General High Duty Straight Male Union Connector69GHD-28x1
35mm x 1¼ inch General High Duty Straight Male Union Connector69GHD-35x1¼
42mm x 1½ inch General High Duty Straight Male Union Connector69GHD-42x1½
54mm x 2 inch General High Duty Straight Male Union Connector69GHD-54x2
8mm-54mm General High Duty Straight Male Union Connectors available from Alexander Brown Plumbing Fittings Specialists Ltd.
Images above are for illustration purposes only.

For the latest prices contact us on 0141 558 8821

Alexander Brown Plumbing Fittings Specialists recommend UK Manufactured copper Tube for use with all our General High Duty Fittings

For Compression fittings in 67mm, 76mm and 108mm, Imperial 3 inch and 4 inch visit our ABCO Large Size Compression Fittings page